
熱烈的祝賀 : Yinny lam 成為如新企業的 COE-1 創業成就名人(百萬美元名人)!憑藉著充滿夢想配合積極行動,一顆閃耀的巨星出現了!
在此熱烈地祝賀 Yinny Lam 林老師 成為百萬美元名人(1级創業名人),她的成就成為團隊的典範、她的行動力及執行力促使所有隊員向著目標推進,今年領導她的團隊創出倍計的成績。
她是我們NBG的榮耀,是我們各伙伴的學習對象,在此再次恭賀恭賀恭賀Yinny Lam 林老師 成為百萬美元名人!
Congratulations : Yinny Lam Hau Yin has become a COE-1 entrepreneurial achievement celebrity (Million Dollar Circle) of Nu Skin Enterprises ! She had been work with heart and leading with love to their team partners. Today's glory is to give her affirmation... In the future she will lead more partners to most success. This is also the most honorable and encouraging gift of our team NBG. I would like to sincerely congratulate to her on her achievements today and her greater success in careers. 💖 公司嘉許 NSE Award