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成星﹑創星更獲 ”馬爾代夫” 免費之旅

無論任何年齡﹑任何地方,只要選擇方向正確,都可以成就你的夢想 !

Candy Lee , 一位跟隨家庭移民到"澳洲"的女士 , 帶著 3 名孩子生活 , Candy 她連英文也不會所以無法出外工作。只憑藉一顆堅毅的心及曾在香港學習及建立的『如新(Nu Skin)』的知識及團隊,保有此國際發展平台,在澳洲擴展新事業版圖,今天被晉升成為 "澳洲墨爾本” 市場第一位華人 - 品牌行政總監EBD (Executive Brand Director)。
Candy a woman who followed her family to “Australia” lived with three children, and Ms. Candy would not be able to work outside as she do not speaking in English. With a strong desire to success and work with an international platform - Nu Skin Enterprise, today she was promoted to be the first Chinese in Melbourne, Australia - An Executive Brand Director

Kin Lam 一位有夢想的 80 後,從事多年媒體工作,他眼光遠大,以創業精神開展如新全球事業。以極短時間開拓包括香港﹑澳門﹑新加坡﹑馬來西亞及加拿大........各市場,並在極短時間內突破業務伙伴 30+ 以上,因而再獲總公司特別獎勵 。
A dreamer of 80's youth, he worked as a "media host" for many years, with a broad vision and a global career in entrepreneurship. In a very short period of time, he have developed various markets including Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia and Canada. He broke through to build up new business partners over 30+ with-in one year and thus won special awards from the head office. He has been promoted to "Brand Director"

Hanny Lee 不難想像她曾因疾病被煎熬至不能工作。從『如新產品』中從拾健康,從新工作並選擇如新(Nu Skin)企業,以自由分配工作時間﹑地點,完全能發揮她的潛能。以6 個月時間已被晉升為"品牌經理"並獲邀出席的 "成功之旅(南非旅行) , 她真是開心快活人 。
A very happy person, you cannot imagine that she was suffering from illness and even could not work. When she work with Nu Skin. " I am free to choies anytime and anyplace to work and fully realize my potential." she said. She has been promoted to "Brand Manager" within 6 months and was invited to attend "Successful Journey (South Africa Travel) ... She is a simple and happy people.